A New Era Of Women's Leadership

Learn how we create inclusive programs that celebrate the diversity of women and help pave their paths to leadership.

We Design Dynamic, Inclusive Learning Experiences That Position Every Woman To Lead

Tiffany Atkinson Consulting is a Learning & Development consultancy that specializes in developing Women’s Leadership and Professional Development programs that help organizations better support and uplift women leaders on their teams.

We’re committed to empowering women leaders by providing customized learning experiences that address the unique career and workplace challenges women face on their leadership journeys.

With a focus on diversity, equity, and empowerment, our goal is to help put an end to outdated leadership and professional development programs that fail to celebrate the diversity of women leaders and address their individual needs.

Through keynotes, team workshops, and custom program development, we design and deliver engaging, unforgettable learning experiences that teach organizations how to equip every woman on their team with the opportunity, skills, and resources she needs to thrive as a leader.

Our tailored programs cater to women at every stage of leadership, from emerging leaders to seasoned executives, and demonstrate the transformative impact investing in women and prioritizing their professional development has on workplace cultures.

Through our work, we strive to help every woman pave her path to leadership, embodying our motto of “Changing the face of Women’s Leadership, one woman at a time.”

Tiffany Atkinson Consulting is a Learning & Development consultancy that specializes in developing Women’s Leadership and Professional Development programs that help organizations better support and uplift women leaders on their teams.

We’re committed to empowering women leaders by providing customized learning experiences that address the unique career and workplace challenges women face on their leadership journeys.

With a focus on diversity, equity, and empowerment, our goal is to help put an end to outdated leadership and professional development programs that fail to celebrate the diversity of women leaders and address their individual needs.

Through keynotes, team workshops, and custom program development, we design and deliver engaging, unforgettable learning experiences that teach organizations how to equip every woman on their team with the opportunity, skills, and resources she needs to thrive as a leader.

Our tailored programs cater to women at every stage of leadership, from emerging leaders to seasoned executives, and demonstrate the transformative impact investing in women and prioritizing their professional development has on workplace cultures.

Through our work, we strive to help every woman pave her path to leadership, embodying our motto of “Changing the face of Women’s Leadership, one woman at a time.”

Our Programming Philosophy

Our five‑part philosophy ensures every learning experience we design transforms workplace cultures by celebrating the diversity of women leaders, speaking to the unique challenges they face, and addressing their individual needs.

01 | Every woman has what it takes to lead.

Research continually shows that regardless of background or experience, women naturally possess leadership skills. Yet many Women’s Leadership and Professional Development programs use biased stereotypes to define and determine leadership potential. Our programs nurture and cultivate the inherent leadership capabilities found in every woman, ensuring that leadership education and opportunities are accessible to everyone.

02 | Gender is only one facet of identity.

We recognize that a person’s identity is a multifaceted canvas, comprised of various interconnected identities such as race, disability, and gender identity. Our programs go beyond addressing generic “women‘s issues” and delve into how these challenges are amplified and nuanced based on these interconnected identities. By highlighting these intersections, we create inclusive learning environments that honor the diverse experiences of all women.

03 | Stories and shared experiences help us learn.

We believe storytelling and shared experiences are powerful catalysts for learning and growth. Our programs incorporate diverse narratives and real‑life experiences, allowing participants to connect with the material on a personal level. By sharing stories and insights, we foster empathy, understanding, and mutual support among participants, creating rich learning environments that encourage collaboration and empowerment.

04 | Effective learning is fun, relatable, and relevant.

We understand that participants learn best from experiences that are both engaging and informative. Our programs combine enjoyable content with research from leading organizations such as Lean In, ATD, McKinsey, SHRM, and the Harvard Business Review. We also draw upon insights and strategies from grassroots change-makers championing equality for marginalized groups, ensuring our content always resonates while addressing real‑world barriers.

05 | Learning is only one piece of the puzzle.

While workplace learning is essential to advancing women leaders, it’s only one piece of a much larger puzzle. Creating a truly inclusive workplace culture requires organizations to expand pathways for women to lead. Our programs emphasize the importance of systemic change, encouraging organizations to eliminate biases within their leadership pipelines, create equitable hiring and promotion practices, and appoint more historically excluded women to leadership.

Our Programming Philosophy

Our five‑part philosophy ensures every learning experience we design transforms workplace cultures by celebrating the diversity of women leaders, speaking to the unique challenges they face, and addressing their individual needs.

01 | Every woman has what it takes to lead.

Research continually shows that regardless of background or experience, women naturally possess leadership skills. Yet many Women’s Leadership and Professional Development programs use biased stereotypes to define and determine leadership potential. Our programs nurture and cultivate the inherent leadership capabilities found in every woman, ensuring that leadership education and opportunities are accessible to everyone.

02 | Gender is only one facet of identity.

We recognize that a person’s identity is a multifaceted canvas, comprised of various interconnected identities such as race, disability, and gender identity. Our programs go beyond addressing generic “women‘s issues” and delve into how these challenges are amplified and nuanced based on these interconnected identities. By highlighting these intersections, we create inclusive learning environments that honor the diverse experiences of all women.

03 | Stories and shared experiences help us learn.

We believe storytelling and shared experiences are powerful catalysts for learning and growth. Our programs incorporate diverse narratives and real‑life experiences, allowing participants to connect with the material on a personal level. By sharing stories and insights, we foster empathy, understanding, and mutual support among participants, creating rich learning environments that encourage collaboration and empowerment.

04 | Effective learning is fun, relatable, and relevant.

We understand that participants learn best from experiences that are both engaging and informative. Our programs combine enjoyable content with research from leading organizations such as Lean In, ATD, McKinsey, SHRM, and the Harvard Business Review. We also draw upon insights and strategies from grassroots change-makers championing equality for marginalized groups, ensuring our content always resonates while addressing real‑world barriers.

05 | Learning is only one piece of the puzzle.

While workplace learning is essential to advancing women leaders, it’s only one piece of a much larger puzzle. Creating a truly inclusive workplace culture requires organizations to expand pathways for women to lead. Our programs emphasize the importance of systemic change, encouraging organizations to eliminate biases within their leadership pipelines, create equitable hiring and promotion practices, and appoint more historically excluded women to leadership.

Meet The Women Behind The Magic

We’re proud to be a 100% woman‑owned, minority‑owned, and service‑disabled veteran‑owned company with a fully women‑led team.

Women’s Leadership and Professional Development Speaker, Tiffany Atkinson, stands smiling, enclosed in a bright yellow circle. She is wearing a hot pink blazer, navy blue shirt, and circle pendant necklace. Her hair is black, curly, and shoulder length. She is also wearing glasses and has bright red lipstick.

Tiffany Atkinson

Founder & CEO

As the Founder & CEO of Tiffany Atkinson Consulting, Tiffany Atkinson is the driving force behind our mission to usher in a new era of Women’s Leadership that celebrates the full spectrum of women and positions every woman to lead. With a diverse career spanning the military, nonprofit, corporate marketing, and small business development sectors, Tiffany brings a unique blend of experience and passion to her role. Known for her dynamic and bold approach, Tiffany is dedicated to creating transformative learning experiences that inspire growth, foster inclusion, and transform workplace cultures for the better.

Tiffany Atkinson Consulting’s Operations Manager, Mylanna Warren, stands smiling, enclosed in a bright yellow circle. She is wearing a black tank top and ripped jeans. She has blue hair and several tattoos.

Mylanna Warren

Operations Manager

As the Operations Manager at Tiffany Atkinson Consulting, Mylanna Warren is involved in every aspect of the work we do. Known for her meticulous attention to detail, Mylanna helps us take the guesswork out of delivering the best experience for our clients. An essential member of our team, Mylanna works closely with our clients to listen to their needs, communicate important deadlines, and keep projects on track, ensuring that every learning experience we create is as impactful as it can be. Deeply committed to our mission, Mylanna is always on the lookout for new ways to better serve our clients and fulfill our mission.